Why European Elections Aren't Trending Despite Their Importance

European elections are a significant event that can shape the political landscape of the continent. Yet, many people on social media platforms seem to ignore them, especially compared to more entertainment-focused events like Eurovision. Let's explore why this might be the case and discuss the concerning rise of right-wing extremist parties in countries like Germany and France.

Lack of Awareness and Engagement

  1. Complexity and Perceived Distance: European elections can be complex and distant for many citizens. The European Union's structure and the roles of its various bodies are not always well understood. This can lead to a lack of engagement compared to national elections, where the impact feels more immediate and personal.

  2. Media Coverage: Mainstream media often prioritizes sensational stories that generate clicks and views. While elections are crucial, they may not always be presented in an engaging manner. On the other hand, events like Eurovision are covered extensively because of their entertainment value.

  3. Social Media Algorithms: Social media platforms use algorithms that prioritize content likely to generate engagement. Eurovision, with its colorful performances and fan interactions, naturally generates more buzz. In contrast, discussions about elections, particularly those involving nuanced political debates, may not receive the same level of algorithmic promotion.

The Rise of Right-Wing Extremism

Your concern about the rise of right-wing extremist parties is valid and troubling. In Germany, for instance, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) has gained significant traction. Similarly, France's National Rally (formerly the National Front) remains a powerful force in French politics. Here's why this is alarming:

  1. Normalization of Extreme Views: The success of these parties can normalize extremist views, making them seem more acceptable in mainstream discourse. This can lead to an increase in hate speech and discrimination against minorities.

  2. Policy Impact: These parties often push for policies that undermine democratic values and human rights. Their influence can lead to restrictive immigration policies, erosion of civil liberties, and increased social division.

  3. Historical Context: Particularly in Germany, the rise of a party with neo-Nazi affiliations is chilling given the country's history. It signals a disturbing shift in public sentiment and a potential backslide into dangerous ideologies.

Why You Should Talk About It

It’s crucial to talk about European elections and the rise of right-wing extremism. Here’s why:

  1. Raise Awareness: By discussing these topics, you can help raise awareness and encourage others to educate themselves about the political landscape and its implications.

  2. Counter Extremism: Conversations about the dangers of extremist ideologies can help counter their spread. Highlighting the values of democracy, inclusion, and human rights can promote a more positive discourse.

  3. Encourage Participation: Engaging in discussions about elections can motivate others to participate in the democratic process, whether by voting, volunteering, or advocating for change.


The European elections might not trend like Eurovision, but their importance cannot be overstated. The rise of right-wing extremist parties in countries like Germany and France is a serious concern that deserves attention. By talking about it, you can help foster a more informed and engaged society, counter extremist ideologies, and promote democratic values. So, let's start the conversation and keep it going.

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