The Evolution of Beauty: How Camera Quality and Fashion Trends Shape Our Perception of the Past


It's cute that people think we are a completely different species from people from only a hundred years ago. This misconception largely stems from the evolution of camera quality and shifting fashion trends. If you had today's “h*ot” woman photographed in similar attire with ratchet makeup and moppy hair, you’d get a similar result. This post will explore how improvements in photography and changes in fashion have influenced our perception of beauty and why the women of the past would likely be social media sensations today if given a modern makeover.

The Role of Camera Quality

A hundred years ago, photography was a nascent technology. Cameras were bulky, and the process of taking a photograph was complex and time-consuming. People typically took one photo and often didn't know how to pose. The resulting images were often stiff and lacked the vibrancy we associate with modern photography.

Modern cameras, by contrast, can capture high-resolution images with ease, and people are accustomed to being photographed. The spontaneity and quality of today’s photographs make people look more attractive. If we were to photograph individuals from the 1890s with today's technology, their images would likely appear much more appealing.

The Evolution of Beauty: How Camera Quality and Fashion Trends Shape Our Perception of the Past

The Impact of Fashion Trends

Fashion trends have a significant impact on our perception of beauty. Clothing, hairstyles, and makeup styles have evolved dramatically over the past century. The “hot” woman of today is often defined by contemporary fashion standards—stylish clothes, trendy haircuts, and makeup techniques that highlight features in a way that was not common in the past.

Imagine a woman from the 1890s, typically dressed in modest, conservative attire with simple hairstyles and minimal makeup. If we dressed her in modern clothes, gave her a trendy haircut, and applied contemporary makeup, she would likely be perceived as attractive by today’s standards.

The Evolution of Beauty: How Camera Quality and Fashion Trends Shape Our Perception of the Past

Comparing the Past and Present

Let’s put it a different way. Consider these scenarios:

  1. A woman photographed for the first time in the 1890s: She likely had a formal pose, plain clothes, and a serious expression due to the long exposure times required by early cameras.

  2. A teenage girl from the late 1800s: She would have been dressed in the typical fashion of the time, which may seem outdated and unappealing by modern standards.

  3. A woman from 1900: Her photograph would likely show her in traditional clothing with a simple hairstyle, and she might appear much older than her actual age due to the lack of modern skincare and beauty products.

If these women were given modern clothes, haircuts, and an Instagram account, boys would be wagging their tails instantly. The girl's Instagram follower counts would tick up faster than a lightning bolt. The transformation would be striking, proving that they were not a different species but simply products of their time.


The perception that people from a hundred years ago were drastically different from us is a misconception fueled by changes in camera technology and fashion trends. If we were to photograph individuals from the past with today's technology and style them according to modern fashion standards, they would likely be seen as just as attractive as people today. This highlights the importance of context in our perception of beauty and reminds us that, fundamentally, human nature and attractiveness have remained consistent over time.

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